Send a Kid to Camp

Monday, May 10, 2010

Every year Scottie tells the teens that spending a week of their summer at camp is guaranteed to be the best week of their lives, or their money back.

So far, he's never refunded any money.

Quality product? We sure think so.

However, there are kids every year who want to go to camp.... They feel God's tug at their heart to take that chance. But how will they pay for it? 

That's where you, our supporters, come in. You can pray with us for the financial means for EVERY single teen who wants to go to become available. And you can also make a camp specific donation to help send one of these kids to camp.

The guaranteed best week of their life. Please consider a contribution for camp today.

You can mail your check to the Young Life Kingsport office (PO Box 3374, Kingsport, TN 37664), or make the donation online here. Just be sure to designate this is for CAMP!


About This Blog

YoungLife Kingsport wants to be IN YOUR FACE! We want you, our local supporters, to have a taste of what your prayers and financial support do in the everyday lives of teenagers in Kingsport... EVERYDAY. More than just at the fall Banquet. We want you to be able to come here. Read. See. Be encouraged. Often.

The purpose of this blog is to keep you better informed about what truly IS going on with Young Life Kingsport and how God is moving in the lives of our local teens. May we bring Him glory and honor by what we present here.

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