Leader Spotlight - Sandra Reese

Monday, November 11, 2013

We recently brought you a monthly feature of our Student Story Monday.  Another new monthly feature we want to share is our Volunteer Leader Spotlight.  We'd like to introduce you to all of our leaders and let you get a glimpse into why they give of themselves for Young Life.

We'll start with Sandra Reese.  Sandra has been a Young Life Kingsport leader for four years.  She was born in Wisconsin, spent a little bit of time in southern California, but claims Atlanta as where she's from.  She was raised in the Lutheran church and was so fortunate to grow up in a family of four kids with parents who worked diligently to instill Christian values in their home and children. She found her way to the Tricities in 2001 for graduate school, thinking she'd only be here for a short time.  Twelve years later, and she's still here!  Sandra is a registered dietician and currently works for Health Fitness, the provided wellness programming to Eastman Chemical Company.  Sandra enjoys hiking, traveling, gardening, snow skiing, cooking and baking, reading, and horseback riding (which provides excellent opportunities for contact work, since her horse lives in Johnson City - a long drive away!).

Sandra not only serves as a YL Leader, but she also contributes toward Grace Fellowship Church Sunday morning operations, she's on the Creation Kingdom Zoo Board of Directors, and recently accepted the Meals on Wheels Board Position to be their volunteer RD and Nutrition Consultant.  Wow, Sandra!  You ROCK!

YL Kingsport Leader Sandra Reese
Young Life Kingsport Leader Sandra Reese

1.  What was your introduction to Young Life?
My brother was actually involved in Young Life in high school… funny thing, I never knew it was at our school in Atlanta!  I attend the same church as Scottie Dancy, our Area Director, and I have a good friend, Julie Roberson, who took the challenge of becoming a Young Life leader in Bristol a few years before I did.

2.  How have you seen God work through Young Life? Do you have any stories?
It’s been really special to see my high school friends grow through the past 4 years.  I’ve enjoyed seeing one young lady,in particular, grow into the beautiful heart she was made with as she’s been loved on and encouraged as she came to terms with what Jesus did for her and that he made her and has a special purpose for her.  From a shy, introverted, timid girl who struggled to make eye contact to a more confident, outgoing, high school senior who loves to make sure everyone feels welcome, it’s amazing to look back at how much she has gained from an identity in Christ.

Young Life Kingsport Volunteer Leader Sandra Reese
Young Life Kingsport Leader Sandra Reese

 3.  How do you balance your commitment with the rest of your life’s responsibilities?
This is a struggle… to manage volunteer responsibilities (YL and others), church commitments, a full time job, professional development, home maintenance, health concerns, and still make time to be grounded and fed in my own spiritual life… time management is a daily effort.  Lisa Cross [Mission Staff and Leader] and I have tried to incorporate strategies to encourage our girls in healthy habits – walking, hiking, horseback riding, cooking, playing board games, doing crafts and celebrating holidays and life with girls.  Doing those things with the girls rather than trying to do all of that in addition to my life helps.  I appreciated Julie Roberson’s role model for sharing life, and so sometimes we go to Walmart, put gas in the car, do homework together depending on the day and the need.   
Financial management is another challenge to balance.  I choose to cut my household budget to be able to provide craft supplies for Christmas ornaments, food for brunch, provide taxi service to and from events, or treat a student as part of contact work.

Young Life Kingsport Volunteer Leader Sandra Reese
Leader Sandra Reese with one of her Young Life girls

4.  What is challenging about being a Leader?
So many things… We have some really phenomenal leaders, and I often struggle with feeling awkward, completely uncreative, not funny, too old, not very cool… I have no problem speaking in front of people in a professional setting, but that’s a COMPLETELY different ball game than playing goofy characters and improv.  Time and finances are also challenges as mentioned previously.

5.  What is rewarding?
Seeing kids find identity in Christ and the confidence they gain from that is incredible.  We also have so many kids with really hard family situations, dealing with poverty, difficult relationships, absent parents, have lost parents… when you see them claim Young Life as their family and a safe place to be themselves, it’s absolutely clear that this ministry can change lives.

Young Life Kingsport Volunteer Leader Sandra Reese
Leader Sandra Reese with one of her Young Life girls

Leave Sandra a comment below and encourage her in her awesome service of God and Young Life Kingsport!


Dana D.,  November 12, 2013 at 7:10 PM  

I love this. Sandra, you are so beautiful - inside and out. You are making such an impact in the lives of these students.

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YoungLife Kingsport wants to be IN YOUR FACE! We want you, our local supporters, to have a taste of what your prayers and financial support do in the everyday lives of teenagers in Kingsport... EVERYDAY. More than just at the fall Banquet. We want you to be able to come here. Read. See. Be encouraged. Often.

The purpose of this blog is to keep you better informed about what truly IS going on with Young Life Kingsport and how God is moving in the lives of our local teens. May we bring Him glory and honor by what we present here.

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